
Change icon for books in ibooks
Change icon for books in ibooks

iTunes Store: The beamed notes icon made sense when music was the primary focus of the iTunes Store, but movies and TV shows are such a big part of the system now that it only makes sense to get rid of the musical symbol that's already on the Music app icon.Reminders: Five solid list lines have been knocked down to four solid (and slightly thicker) lines, and the four colored dots were reduced to just three, ditching purple, with thicker lines around the middle colored dots to make them more pronounced.Notes: Three solid writing lines have been knocked down to two solid (and slightly thicker) lines, and a shadow appears under the yellow top now.Maps: The old Maps icon featured the location of Apple's old campus, 1 Infinite Loop, while the new icon shows off a bit of the circular design of Apple's new campus, Apple Park, also right off the Interstate 280 in Cupertino, California.Camera: Note a huge change on this one, but the camera icon's outline has been smoothed out a bit, and the lines above and below the lens have been removed.App Store: The pencil and brush images have been replaced with thick, smooth marker lines, and the circle has disappeared completely.This helped make way for a combined male/female icon in a circle, compared to just one big male outline. Contacts: The colored tabs on the right have been slimmed down and no longer have A, B, C, D on them anymore.The black, gray, and orange colors are all still there.

#Change icon for books in ibooks full

Calculator: Instead of buttons for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and equals, the icon now shows a full calculator on a gray backdrop.

Change icon for books in ibooks